Point of View

Point of View was started in Bombay, India, in November 1997. They work to amplify the voices of women and remove barriers to free speech and expression. POV's work straddles multiple forms of media, art and culture, both online and offline.
Their mission: "We amplify the voices of women and remove barriers to free speech and expression.
Ultimately, it’s all about being heard. Whose voice matters? Who gets heard? Who counts? Who doesn't count? In a democracy, all citizens should have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives: men, women and trans people. But does everyone have an equal say? Is democracy truly the babel of tongues it is meant to be? Whose voice is heard in families, in communities, and societies? Whose words count most? Whose views dominate policies, programs, services – or the public domain? Whose voices are smothered, silenced or stamped out?
‘Having a voice’ equals being heard, being considered, being counted, being part of, being able to influence. Being. Being human. Many women’s voices still remain silent, silenced, marginal, unheard, discounted, or illegitimate. Many women’s lips still remain zipped, their lives and realities unspoken. Our work challenges and changes this."